Sunday, October 7, 2012

LINEAGE 2 : IGwalker 1.46


1. Step : Download IGWalker 1.46 + L2asrv - walker and the authorization bypasser

2. Step : Replace your host file - Check your C:/Windows/System32/etc folder (the path may change based on the OS you got) and replace the exisisting hosts file with the one attached in some post after this, after unpacking it.

3. Step : Unzip and Run - Now unzip all the folder contained in the package downloaded in the 1. Step in your L2 folder, or anywhere you want, then launch l2asrv.exe and LEAVE IT IN BACKGROUND. Now launch L2Walker.exe and in the PATH field, browse for your l2.exe (yes, even if you play on extreme)

4. Step : Initialization - Hit the Run botton on the bottom right to start L2, login with your char, and press the Home key (usually an arrow near Del) and you'll see the in-game panel. Check on "Other Ctrl" that there is written Verify OK (verification would only fail if you have closed or not open l2asrv.exe)

5. Step : Configure It & Enjoy! - Now you can set your config for your char and save/load it in the "Other Ctrl" panel. It's fully working and tested on L2eXtreme. Enjoy!

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